Schedule and Class Descriptions 

Come meet me at the 3rd Annual Columbia County Senior Health & Resource Fair.

This is a FREE event and open to the public!

Tuesday September 17th, 10am-3pm

555 Commons Dr, St Helens ~ Four Square Church ~ near DMV

Weekly Online Schedule

Mondays:  9:00 to 10:30 a.m..: Yoga with Chris  

Wednesdays: 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. M.E.L.T. with Chris

Saturdays: 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. Yoga with Chris 

All Weekly Classes are online via Zoom. Use this link to join:
Meeting ID: 811 0331 2581
Passcode: breathe
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,81103312581#,,,,*1647515# US (Tacoma)
+12532050468,,81103312581#,,,,*1647515# US

Yoga with Chris

"Eclectic" best describes the style of Chris's teaching.  Her classes incorporate a good deal of flowing routines, as she is strongly influenced by Kali Ray's Tri-Yoga. Each class begins with a focus on breath and a traditional Sanskrit chant.  The use of props is encouraged to make postures more comfortable and to promote deeper relaxation. In her classes you may also practice a bit of QiGong, myofascial release techniques, MELT Method, or Somatic Movements.  (Private Lessons are available.  Contact Chris:

Mondays and Saturdays 9:00 to 10:30

MELT Method with Chris

Chris is a certified instructor of The MELT Method, self administered massage techniques using foam rollers and specially designed balls. These techniques can  improve the energy flow through the connective tissues in the body, thereby improving function, mobility, and reducing  pain.
MELT brand balls and rollers are required for this class. They can be borrowed from the studio or purchased online.  For more information about the MELT Method, go to :

Wednesdays 9:00 to 10:30 a.m.

Somatic Movement with Chris

Somatic movement is the gentlest, most therapeutic and approachable practice that Chris teaches.  It is a safe starting place  for those who are experiencing pain and/or limited range of motion.  It intends to restore natural alignment and the brain-body connection through slow, discrete, mindful movements, coordinated with breath.

 Somatic Movement classes are  private lessons.  To plan a class for one or more perople, contact Chris:

"Anatomical" Yoga with Gary 

Gary's teaching style focuses on understanding the body.  His decades of experience as a Chiropractor and a wealth of knowledge from his lengthy study and practice of Applied Kinesiology inform his unique style of yoga.  His classes are an education in anatomy.  You may need some unconventional props for his class, such as a broomstick or pole and a sturdy 6 foot strap.

Gary is on sabbatical so he can teach Applied Kinesiology to other Chiropractors and professionals.